Community Engagement and Support Volunteer (Haringey)

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Do you enjoy meeting people and supporting them, do you have skills you would like to share? We are looking for volunteers to support service users living in community who struggle with mental health - with community engagement support within Haringey. You can support service users in number of meaningful ways of your choice.

About our Service... Hestia provides mental health support across 17 London boroughs and in Kent. Last year, Hestia supported more than 6,000 people across our mental health services.

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health issue of some kind in England.

We provide community-based support for adults who are struggling with their mental health. We have spaces across Hestia which provide a safe space to drop in, connect with others and take part in a range of activities which may relight a previous interest, hobby, or an opportunity for people to try something new.